A minivan rental in Vail from SIXT is perfect if you are planning to hit the slopes or the trails with a group or with your family. Choose from 7-passenger, 8-passenger and 9-passenger minivan models from top automakers like Chrysler, Toyota, Dodge and Kia. This way you can be sure that you can transport a group, plus all your skiing or outdoor gear.
There are many reasons to visit this area of Colorado year-round, and we offer ways to customize your minivan rental in Vail so it meets your needs. Book a child seat if you want to rent a minivan to transport your family with young children. For those who want a minivan rental for a group ski trip, consider booking an additional driver so someone else can share time behind the wheel.
Only in the case of a 12- or 15-person passenger van is a special license required. Minivans only seat up to 9 people, so you can drive one with your normal license.
SIXT accepts all major credit cards issued in the renter ’s name. We also accept debit cards at some locations with additional requirements.
You cannot choose a specific car model when booking, only a category. However, you may be able to select your vehicle in the SIXT app 30 minutes before pick-up.